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Our Responsibilities in University Life

As a new member of the Yeditepe community, there are certain behaviors that we want you to think about and internalize from these early days of joining.

As individuals within the University community, we all have some behavioral responsibilities towards each other. The foundation of these behaviors lies in our values of respect, inclusivity, diversity, research and freedom of expression, trust, honesty, and justice. As a University community, we uphold these values in our teaching, research, and operational processes. It is essential for us to engage in healthy relationships with academics, administrative staff, and fellow students to create a safe and peaceful campus environment, striving to produce publications/work that will contribute to society and be pioneering while developing ourselves academically. We are responsible for both individual and collective behaviors. Violation of these rules results in the implementation of disciplinary measures.

This training is designed to raise awareness about student code of conduct.

Respect for Others

Every member of Yeditepe University demonstrates respectful language and behavior towards one another.

I - A Yeditepe student shows respect for those who are different:
Regardless of factors such as race, language, religion, skin color, gender, age, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or disability, they treat everyone equally and respectfully.
Any form of discrimination is not accepted at Yeditepe University!

If a student encounters such behavior, they are expected to report the incident in writing to the Student Center located on the ground floor of the Rectorate Building to initiate the necessary investigation.

II - A Yeditepe student maintains the reputation of the University on all platforms and refrains from making demeaning posts and supporting such posts:
The University provides an environment where all opinions can be expressed freely. Within the framework of rules of respect, students are free to share any opinions, complaints, and suggestions.

The Student Council is responsible for discussing, identifying, deciding on students' issues, and conveying their views and thoughts to the relevant governing bodies of the University. Representatives from each faculty and department are present in the Student Council. The first point of contact for any opinion, suggestion, or complaint is the department representative.

III - Any form of physical, digital, verbal, written, or visual harassment is unacceptable at Yeditepe University; students do not support or encourage such actions and do not engage in prejudiced hate speech towards any specific group.

If you find yourself in such a situation, remember that you are not alone and reach out to the Student Center.

IV - Yeditepe University students comply with health and safety instructions to ensure a safe campus environment for everyone.

V - While using Yeditepe University's academic, physical, and social facilities, students do not infringe upon the rights of others.
When registering for free but limited-capacity training programs offered by the University, they attend the sessions. In cases where attendance is not possible, they inform the program coordinators before the training, allowing others to participate. Similarly, if they've made a reservation for using physical spaces but won't be using them, they inform the relevant departments in a timely manner.
They return borrowed books from the library on time.
In advocating for their own views, they do not misrepresent other students' attitudes and opinions.

Academic Integrity

Yeditepe University students do not violate the principle of academic integrity. (Following this, the principles will be listed point by point.)

They do not cheat during exams.
They avoid plagiarism in assignments, projects, and exams.

What is plagiarism?

"Presenting someone else's work as one's own, copying parts of someone else's work without proper attribution, incorporating someone else's work into your own without adequate acknowledgment, and failing to use quotation marks for verbatim text are all categorized as plagiarism."

What situations constitute plagiarism?

Failing to provide proper citations for sources in your assignments.
Copying information from another source and presenting it as your own work.
Submitting assignments composed entirely of copied material.
Translating a work from a different language and presenting it as your own.
Submitting the same or a substantially similar work that was previously evaluated in the same or a different course without the instructor's permission.
Copying and pasting information from the internet or obtaining assignments from assignment websites.

Perceptions of Plagiarism by University Students

  • "Don't let the professors find out, but it's that situation we're forced into during times when we have to prepare assignments – 'getting a bit too inspired' by the author..."
  • "...a word that's every second word the professor uses, a word that strains your mouth muscles when you say it, the synonym of 'copy-paste.'"
  • "...until you understand the true meaning and implications of this word, every assignment you turn in will come back to you like a boomerang..."

How to Avoid Plagiarism?

You can rephrase the text you read in your own words to demonstrate your understanding.
You can refer to APA Style Citation sources to learn how to properly quote or reference material.

If you don't fully comprehend the subject or don't know how to prepare your source, which might lead you to plagiarism, you can seek guidance from an academic advisor.


Every course instructor can view the plagiarism rate in your work using the Turnitin system!

You do not take exams or attendance on behalf of others, nor do you let someone else take your place.
You do not use unauthorized resources during exams (such as mobile phones, calculators, textbooks, class notes, etc.).
You do not reproduce your own course notes or materials without the permission of the course instructor and share them with others.
You do not take books from the library without permission; you treat borrowed books with care.
You do not engage in actions such as forgery, alteration, purchase, or fabrication of university documents like ID cards, grades, diplomas, reports.
You pay attention to using the camera and microphone appropriately in online classes, seminars, or conferences.