BASE continues its efforts to bring together new graduate artist candidates with the public, the art sector, creative industries, and the media. In the seventh edition of BASE 2023, which will take place from December 13 to 17 this year, 130 works of art from 120 new graduate artist candidates in different disciplines will be exhibited.
Among these artists is our 2023 Visual Communication Design graduate, Kağan Aksın, who shared his experience with the BASE team as a great example of turning his hobby and interests into a profession. He described his journey as follows in the text below.
Since my elementary school days, I have been consistently in a competition with myself. I believed in setting goals for the next step and climbing that step. I'm glad I've been doing this, and I will continue to do so.
I first encountered computers when I was around 4-5 years old. Initially, like any young child, I played games and spent cheerful moments. It wasn't until I was around 13-14 years old that I asked myself, 'What else can I do with this?' I started creating websites and computer programs with simple coding. I was passionate and thoroughly enjoyed it. After a while, my enthusiasm waned, and in the final year of high school, I discovered visual arts.
While my family thought I would pursue computer science and software engineering, I chose the Visual Communication Design department at Yeditepe University and continued to improve myself.
Since my first year in university, I started chasing various jobs such as photography, graphic design, and video editing. In my final year, I decided to put a stop to my current projects and realized the most enjoyable and challenging one, the Nimbus Project, thinking I need to do something different.