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Tuğçe Altıok Russo / Bayer / Medical Manager-Consumer Health

Tuğçe Altıok Russo

In 2009, they graduated from Yeditepe University Faculty of Pharmacy. They started their career in the pharmaceutical industry as a Management Trainee (MT) at Bayer Türk Kimya Sanayi. They continued their career in Bayer Türk Medical Department/Consumer Health.

Pınar Yıldız Yüksel / Sabah Gazetesi- Editor In Chief

Pınar Yıldız Yüksel is a journalist working for Sabah Newspaper. She serves as the Publishing Responsible, Chief Editor, and Columnist for the weekend supplements.

She graduated from Yeditepe University's Turkish Language and Literature Department in 2007. She began her professional career while studying and worked as an editor at Epsilon Publishing. She prepared publications for some of Turkey's best-selling children's magazines and specialized in social media and digital journalism.

Selen Özçam Niron/IBM-Security Software Sales Leader

Selen Özçam Niron

IBM Security Software Sales Leader

Selen Özçam Niron graduated with honors from the Management Information Systems (M.I.S) department at Yeditepe University and subsequently began a Master's program in Technology Management at the same university.

Knowledge Center - Trial Access - Wikilala

Wikilala is a digital library that allows "searching" in today's Turkish texts (newspapers, magazines, books and documents) published in Ottoman Turkish (1729-1928) and Early Republican Period (1923-1950) after the invention of the printing press.
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