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Membership Conditions

Only Yeditepe University students can become members of the clubs. Graduate and doctoral students can join clubs with the approval of the club's board of directors.

• A student can be a member of multiple clubs; however, they cannot hold positions in multiple club boards, audit committees, or executive committees.

• Membership is established at the beginning of each academic year or, with the approval of the General Assembly, at any point during the year. In Faculty and Department Clubs, all students of the respective Faculty or Department are considered club members, as long as it is specified in the club's internal regulations. Membership applications are submitted to the Student Center in a formal file format.

 • Clubs with fewer than 10 members for two consecutive semesters will cease their activities. This condition applies to newly established clubs one academic year after their inception.

 • Individuals who are not club members can participate as advisors or facilitators. Their participation requires the majority approval of the club's general assembly and confirmation by the Student Center; however, they do not have the right to vote or be elected. The titles of facilitator and advisor must be renewed annually.

 • Membership can be terminated through graduation, resignation, or expulsion. Expulsion occurs following the club board's justified recommendation, approval by a two-thirds majority of the Club General Assembly, and a decision by the Student Center.

To Establish a Club: Club applications are accepted from September 1st to September 30th at the beginning of each academic year. Students who wish to establish a club must prepare a file and submit it to the Student Dean's Office with a formal request.

File Content:

 • The club's vision, mission, goals, and values must be specified.

 • The desire to establish a club is evaluated based on the requests of at least 10 students.

• The club should have precedents at other universities, and examples must be included in the file.

• If the club is approved, plans for activities within the first year must be included."